5 Colloquial Spanish Expressions You Need to Know
June 10, 2024

Spanish is a vibrant and nuanced language, and one of the most fun and authentic ways to immerse yourself in it is through colloquial expressions. These phrases and sayings, used in everyday life by native speakers, reflect the culture, humour and peculiarities of each region. In this article, we are going to explore five colloquial Spanish expressions that will help you sound more natural and better understand native speakers. Let's discover them together!

1. ‘Estar en las nubes’ (To be in the clouds)

This expression is very common in Spain and is used to describe someone who is distracted or not paying attention to what is going on around them. It literally means ‘to be in the clouds’, and paints a clear picture of a person who is lost in thought.

Example: "María, siempre estás en las nubes durante las reuniones. ¿Estás pensando en las vacaciones?" / ‘Maria, you're always in the clouds during meetings - are you thinking about the holidays?’

This expression can be useful in many situations, especially in academia or work, where concentration is key.

2."Tirar la toalla" (Throw in the towel)

‘Throwing in the towel’ is an expression used when someone decides to give up or abandon an effort because they feel it is no longer worthwhile. Its origin comes from boxing, where the trainer would throw the towel into the ring to indicate that his boxer could not continue.

Example:"Después de varios intentos fallidos, Juan decidió tirar la toalla y buscar otro trabajo."/ ‘After several unsuccessful attempts, John decided to throw in the towel and look for another job’.

This is a phrase often used to describe situations where you feel you can't go on any longer and choose to give up.

3. "Estar hecho polvo" (I'm knackered)

When someone says they are knackered, it means they are very tired, exhausted or physically destroyed. It is a very expressive way of conveying that one is at the limit of one's strength.

Example:"Después de correr el maratón, estaba hecho polvo y no podía moverme." / ‘After running the marathon, I was exhausted and couldn't move.

This is an expression you will often hear in casual conversation, especially after an exhausting day or intense physical activity.

4. "A caballo regalado no se le mira el diente" (You can't look a gift horse in the mouth)

This expression means that we should not criticise or analyse in too much detail a gift or favour received, especially if it is something unexpected or free. It is a way of saying that we should be grateful for what we are given without complaining.

Example: "Sé que la camiseta no es de tu color favorito, pero a caballo regalado no se le mira el diente." / ‘I know the T-shirt is not your favourite colour, but you can't look a gift horse in the mouth’.

This is a very useful expression to remind us of the importance of gratitude and acceptance of what is offered to us without asking for anything in return.

5. "Estar como una cabra" (Being crazy)

Used to describe someone who is acting crazy or irrational. Literally means ‘to be like a goat’, which paints a pretty clear picture of someone who is not behaving in a normal way.

Example:"Desde que ganó la lotería, está como una cabra comprando cosas extravagantes / ‘Ever since he won the lottery, he's been like a goat buying extravagant things."

This expression is very colourful and is often used to describe eccentric or out-of-the-ordinary behaviour.

Colloquial expressions are an essential part of learning any language. In the case of Spanish, these phrases will not only help you communicate more naturally, but will also give you a better understanding of the culture and customs of native speakers. Incorporating these expressions into your everyday vocabulary will help you sound more authentic and connect better with people.

I hope you find these five colloquial expressions useful and fun. Remember that learning a language is a continuous journey full of surprises. If you want to continue learning and improving your Spanish, don't forget to follow me on Instagram! There I share more tips, expressions and tricks to master Spanish and other foreign languages. Let's learn Spanish together and enjoy the journey!

    5  Colloquial Spanish Expressions You Need to Know
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